The Business of Expertise – DP Mavia

Written by Book Reviews

How Entrepreneurial Experts Convert Insight to Impact and Wealth.

Nice good compact handy book by David C Baker. Published by Rockbench in 2017.


The author seeks to explore the narrow overlap between entrepreneurship and expertise. To use his words the book is geared towards the expert who wants to move the needle on behalf of their clients and create wealth for themselves in the process.

The book is divided into two parts 1. The Foundation 2. The rest of the Chapters – Sixteen to be precise. From the onset I should say do not be in a hurry when reading this book. The wisdom in this book though punchy and simple, needs considerable contemplation and practice.

In the foundation David Baker makes three stipulations

  1. Expertise Flows from Focus
  2. Expertise Renders your work less Interchangeable
  3. Excess Opportunity yields Price Premium for Expertise.

On major quotable in this section is

If it’s easy to find a replacement for your expertise, you have no control (or power or choice) when you withhold it.

The remaining part of the book lays a thesis and a framework of practice for expertise. Namely

The interplay between expertise and fulfillment, combining expertise and entrepreneurship, expertise and positioning, demonstrating expertise amongst other topics.

My Takeaway(s)

I think for those who have not identified their expertise, the first part of the book is quite a revelation. You may notice that it takes some insight to saying No to things that you consider important in order to get to expertise. You will discover that those things will all look important – it is the journey of sacrifice to reach the needed focus.

Having said that once the grueling journey of specialization has happened the rest of the book is about connecting it to entrepreneurship. Positioning yourself as an expert covers a large part of the book too.

David Baker says and I quote “More specifically, your expertise business exists for three reasons, in order: to make money, to move the needle on behalf of clients, and to create a culture where people can thrive”


Who do I think this book is for? In general any entrepreneur and more so those who want to position themselves as quality service givers with mutual profitable monetary compensation of the service rendered.

Discovery of Focused expertise and the practice of it, needs boldness and patience – it is worth every step of the journey.

As I said earlier the first three chapters are must read for the entire book to rest on. The Chapter on Strategy and Execution is a must read. It approaches the two elements a bit different from how we have previously done – in both the offering of a service, retention of clients and profitable business model.

All in all The Business of Expertise is a Manual and guide book that moves you from being a generalist to a decided expert.

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Last modified: March 11, 2022